December 22, 2023
Physical Health
New Year New Fitness Goals

Do your new fitness goals fizzle out every February? The Athletic Director at Connected Health's Athletic Republic provides tips to maintaining motivation to see your fitness goals through.

With each new year, the tradition of making resolutions gets a poor reputation for being abandoned shortly after January 1st. However, the fitness trainers at Connected Health and Athletic Republic Pittsburgh encourage you to embrace the opportunity to prioritize health and well-being with enthusiasm and commitment. Alex Arnold, our Director of Fitness, explains the importance of setting goals, strategies for success, and the transformative journey towards healthier you.

The Significance of Setting New Fitness Goals:

Goals help you get clear about where you want to go in your health journey. By knowing the end, you can plan easy, practical steps to getting there.

Motivation and Focus:

Setting clear fitness goals provides a sense of direction and purpose. Whether you wish to lose weight, build muscle, or improve cardiovascular health, having a specific objective helps to channel your efforts and keeps you motivated.

Measurable Progress:

Measurable goals allow you to track progress over time. Reaching a defined milestone can help you experience a sense of accomplishment with each step forward, reinforcing your commitment to the fitness journey.


Sharing your fitness goals with others can create a sense of accountability. Having a support system helps provide motivation if you hit a roadblock.

Strategies for Successfully Setting New Fitness Goals:

What does success look like to you? Is 12 months enough time, or do you need to break down your success to something smaller? Consider this when setting goals.

Set Realistic Goals:

Remember, your friend’s fitness goals don’t have to be the same as yours. Consider your current fitness level and lifestyle. If you’ve reached fitness goals in the past, are you able to recreate those successes?  

Create a Plan:

A plan can include a workout schedule, dietary changes, and rest days. Break down the steps into manageable tasks to help make your journey less overwhelming.

Change Up Your Workouts:

Keep things interesting by incorporating a variety of exercises into your routine. Consider a personal trainer or workout class to prevent boredom and ensure you’re engaging different muscle groups.

Prioritize Recovery:

Recognizing the importance of rest and recovery in your fitness journey is important and can help reduce risk of fatigue and injury. Examples of recovery are getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, and resting your body.

Not only does a commitment to a fitness routine createphysical changes, but also can improve mood, increase energy level, and enhanceself-esteem. As we welcome the new year, let’s embrace the opportunity toprioritize health and well-being through meaningful fitness goals. Withrealistic plans and goals, the journey can be empowering and transformative.  

Do You Have a PCP Who Cares About Your New Fitness Goals?

Primary Care should be the foundation of your health. So, why isn’t your doctor a part of your New Year’s New Fitness Goals?

At Connected Health, your doctor is the quarterback of your health. Members have full access to our state-of-the-art gym and the availability of staff personal trainers, like Alex Arnold. Know your medical options and be supported every step on your fitness journey. A healthier you is our goal, too.

Are you interested in seeing how Connected Health can support you through your New Year’s resolution? Schedule a consult today or call 724-933-4305 to talk with our front desk to get your free facility tour and Meet-and-Greet with a provider.

Here’s to a year filled with progress!

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