August 24, 2023
Executive Health in 2020

Optimize your health and wellness with Connected Health's Executive Wellness Program, featuring bloodwork, screenings, assessments, and a comprehensive executive physical, ensuring proactive identification of health problems for busy executives, saving on healthcare costs and improving overall well-being.

Are you ready to optimize your health & wellness in 2020? 

As a busy executive, you know firsthand how physically, mentally, and emotionally demanding it is to be a leader in today’s business climate. During these difficult times, you may find yourself struggling with lack of sleep, anxiety, or depression. Trying to stay on top of your health and wellness often takes a backseat to other priorities. The key to making sure you keep your health in check, is being proactive and identifying the problem early on. In fact, in Corporate Wellness magazine, Dr. Walter Gaman states:

“A company is a living – breathing being, with executives acting as the vital organs that keep it going.” 

Research has proven that a company’s bottom line is only as good as the people at the top. By investing in your health now, it can save your business healthcare costs and improve the overall well-being of your business.

Connected Health has created an Executive Wellness Program that is built for leaders like yourself.  Our Executive Wellness Program includes:

  • Bloodwork
  • Screenings & assessments
  • Comprehensive executive physical
  • A 3 month concierge membership

much more!

If you’re interested in setting up your executive physical or learning more about ConnectedHealth, contact us today!

I couldn’t be happier with the results from my executive physical at Connected Health. I take health and fitness seriously, but Connected Health was able to give me advice and knowledge that I wasn’t previously aware of, and gave me some great advice on nutrition and exercise, that was specific to my body. As executives we are under a lot of stress daily, and it’s easy to put your health second. I’m glad when I chose to put my health first, I did it with Connected Health!”
M. Malcanas, Connected Health Executive Physical

Connected Health's Mission

Our driving passion at Connected Health is to empower and educate the community to play a leading role in their health with primary care as the foundation.

You no longer have to settle for the unacceptable. We offer concierge experience fit for individuals, families, and companies of all sizes.  

Appointments start on time.

Friendly and helpful staff.

A medical team you know, and knows you.

A luxury experience every time.

You're in charge of your healthcare.

Ready to Become a Concierge Member?

Schedule a Free Tour of Our Facility Today.